how to start blogspot

how to start Blogspot? .Blogspot is a very famous platform to create our Own Blog for free. It takes only a few minutes and is easy to set up your own weblog using the Blogger weblog system.  By completing simple steps, creating an account, naming your blog and choosing a template, you too can join the thousands of people now blogging on the web. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide to help to get you started using Blogger.

1) Go to then click the sign-in  button

2) After login, you move to the Welcome page

3) type your blog name or your name in the Display Name box 

4) then press Continue to Blogger Button

final you got the welcome page in Blogger platform !!

5)  Now we want to create a blog for free .to do that click the CREATE NEW  BLOG Button.

6) Now type the name in tittle area and type your blog address in Address area.
       In my case  My blog title = Conounttest
                   My Blog address =

if the blog address is valid you can see a text like this " This blog address is available" near the address bar.

7) then Select A theme To Your Blog in Theme Area !!

all done.!!! so now click the "Create Blog" Button.

This is your dashboard in blog .you can see your blog name show on the left side top

Congratulations !! now you created your Own Blog for free.let's see how to create an article and post it in your blog

8)  first click "New Post" Button

Ok, this your article dashboard.

Labels - are useful if you want to group multiple posts which are very similar to one another.

Schedule - allows you to publish your content at a later date. It can come in handy if you don't want to share multiple articles at the same time.

Permalink-is an option that allows you to select the way your post will be linked-to in the future. Usually, it will maintain the title structure, but there are other link types you can choose from as well.

Location - enables you to add a location tag for your post. It's a very good tool for those that move/travel often

Options - allows you to modify some features like the user ability to comment on a post for example. You can also choose the way your HTML code is interpreted here as well.

9) Ok, now you how to create an article now we want to publish it.

  • Publish -You can publish your article into the blog.
  • Save - You can publish your article later /Or Save Like Draft.
  • Preview - Before publishing your article You can see what it looks Like.
  • Close - To Exit 

1) Posts - Your articles
2) Stats - You Can Analysis Your Blog Traffic.
3) Comments - You can read or Delete Your all Comments
4) Earnings -you can earn from Ads (google Adsense)
5) Pages -You can manage Your Pages Like About Us / Contact
6) Layout - You can Manage Your Blog Layout
7) Themes - You can Manage Your Blog themes ex- add new Theme or Edit it like that
8) Settings - Your Blog Settings

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