Just question yourself If you want to build a new web site from scratch than which doctype would you use. HTML5 Programming is an excellent tool for new websites and apps.
HTML5 Specifications:-
Interactivity and Native support:-From past many years the web developers were trying to invent a tool which has the capacity to display fluid animations, stream video, play music and integrate with Social networking sites. So, HTML5 is only a candidate who stands in this row. Native video can be built on HTML5 which enables the publishers to deliver full-motion, high-quality video with greater speed. This tool will provide web developers to immediately grasp the full knowledge of the web pages and even if they are brand new to it.
It improves SEO:- HTML5 Programmer understand the search engine optimization in a better way. It provides greater accessibility. Tags like the “section” tag, which enables marketers to explain the topic of page sections, and the “nav” tag, by which a mobile device browser can make a link and helps the search engines more accurately in categorizing content and links.
Smarter Forms:- It provides better control for validating data, focusing, interaction with other pages elements on the page and various other improvements like you can get fully defined and structured database storage. This allows a developer to save structured data client-side using a real SQL database
Why should marketers embrace HTML5?
It is a nice question but a better question might be “why shouldn’t they?” the reason is that Google has announced in one of his posts that it is bringing support for the HTML5 speech input API to the company’s Chrome browser. This will help the developers to introduce amazing new features in a variety of web apps by using certain tools. Now the users with a microphone will be able to record their speech, with API and can send it to a transcription server, and show up as text within the web app. It is already available in the Chrome beta from today.