August 2019

Instagram has become quite a player in the social media world and it is a great showcase for brand consistency and your message. Using social media these days is paramount to reach your ideal client audience and the key is giving your target demographics a compelling reason to follow you

3 Ways to Start a Brand-Centric Social Media Strategy

Instagram has quickly become a dominant force in social media and you’ll be surprised how effective it can be for your business.

A brand-centric™ social media strategy is a great idea before starting any social promotion. You’ll not only save time and money down the road when you have a following but building that following will also be much easier.

Branding with social media can actually reach a significant audience but you need to give users a sincere reason the follow.

This comes from understanding the value of your current brand and properly translating that into an account your ideal users will seek out and want to follow.

With Instagram you have massive brand potential. If you haven’t already done so, you need to properly define your brand. Have a look at our post on defining your brand if you’re stuck.

Now let’s look at what you need to do in order to properly build your business brand on Instagram:

1) Your Profile

Your profile page is where you should start your business branding on Instagram.

You can feature your logo or a headshot depending on your business branding. I always recommend using your professional headshot if you are the face of your business and use a logo if you are a larger company like Adidas’s profile shown here.

Then you have 150 characters in the description field to tell people about what you do. Use this space to make a clear and compelling statement. If a hashtag defines your business, then this is where to include it (or them if there are more than one).

If you ever have a promotion with a relevant hashtag you can update your profile accordingly.

You then have 1 opportunity for a link. If you’re just starting out with Instagram, then you’ll likely want to just make this your home page. Ideally, have this link click to a landing page for your free giveaway so you can use this space for list building too.

The next time you have a new promotion you’ll want to swap the link and direct users through it.

2) Your Posts

Consistency is key and not just in your posting schedule. You need to have a common theme to all your images where that theme provides your followers with a window into what you provide.

This is not the platform to be spamming ads on at all. Your followers want to know a business brand on Instagram by seeing who is behind the brand, not their advertisements.

In saying that, you should absolutely show off your products, especially when you have something new to offer. But don’t just pop up advertorials.

Instagram is a great place to show off the community of your business. If you have an office birthday party, post some pictures or a short video.

If you have a day where employees bring their dogs to work, then let your followers see what’s happening.

When you’re posting all of this remember who your core target audience is and who can actually become a client. Gear your posts towards that overall theme.

When appropriate, you can direct users to a link by posting: “follow the link in our bio for more” using the text section that accompanies every post.

3) Your Competition

Your competition is a great way to find new followers already interested in what you do. They can also provide great insight into what hashtags are effective in your industry.

If you use Instagram already, you’ll have seen how competitors are always watching each other on this platform.

Once you like or follow a particular brand you’ll see that within minutes your account will be followed by another brand related to the brand you just followed.

There are companies who literally only do this one thing as their entire business model.

Caution: Stay away from any company promising to blow up your follower count. Volume might seem like good optics for a business, but these types of services will only devalue your brand and account by getting you irrelevant followers who post spam comments.

Follow your competition yourself and comment on their posts with real insight.

This is a genuine and sincere way to not only build your brand and find new people but also put you into the position your users will be in with your own account.

Look at what posts your competitors put up that do better in terms of likes and real comments and adjust your own strategy to reflect their success.

A great way to start it all is finding out which hashtag really defines your business. Understand that there are a communities for particular businesses on Instagram and you’re going to want to become a part of the ones relevant to your industry.

Starting this can be tricky but maintaining it can be even harder. A dead brand on Instagram sends a bad message to users and with 75% of users consulting social media before making a purchase Computer Technology Articles, you’re risking a lot by having this done incorrectly or not at all.

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Source:from ArticlesFactory

PHP is an open-source server-side scripting language for web development. Erstwhile PHP stood for Personal Home Page and now is known as Hypertext Preprocessor. The PHP group provides the complete source code for users to generate and customize it for usage. It is available free of charge and has a widely used on millions of websites and web servers.

Its simplicity and ease of use make it the prefered language to code. No wonder it is the preferred choice for web application development services. Though this particular merit of PHP application development turns to a problem as well. The codes when replicated without much thought and inspection lead to errors. This ends up spoiling the final web application project. It leads to glitches in design to security and everything in between.

Though one can mitigate the risks if the problems that can arise are known beforehand. Read further to know these mistakes that are common with PHP Application Development.

1) Punctuation Errors  
PHP application is not controlled by sophisticated and expensive softwares for writing the codes. Any basic text editor is good to write codes. But the limitations of the simple text editors comes in the way of problems in coding. Errors with forgetting or misplacing quotes, braces or semicolons leads to syntax errors. Also, the strings keys if not enclosed between matching quotes leads to errors. A coder can avoid this by ensuring checks on the punctuation errors in their written codes.

2) Input Validation
If you have spent time with PHP development services, you know the user generated errors. For instance, if a user inputs alphabets in the numeric field, an error is ought to generate. This would raise concerns on the quality of coding done by the developer. To avoid such a scenario, PHP coding should validate all the data which the users will feed. There are various methods to conduct a regular expression match against the input data. It will take care of the attacks that can happen to the site owing to the errors in user input data.

3) Cache Issues
Many PHP developers in their early stages of coding careers forget to take care of cache issues. Neglecting to install a cache layer in codes hampers the website loading speed. Not to mention that it causes an external load on the servers and impacts the user experience in a negative way. To avoid this, the codes can have an addition of any of the cache types. Query, Redis, Varnish are just the popular ones to name a few.

4) Compromising Error Reporting 
To someone outside the coding world, it is like using Word in “check spelling and grammar” mode. It is not only annoying but also takes your attention off your coding. Having said that, its usage is not something to be abolished all together. Just as editing and writing go hand in hand, same is for the real-time error reporting in PHP coding. The middle path to using error reporting without interference with coding is php.ini file. This allows the coder to see all the errors at a single place to fix at an future appropriate time. This way the user experience enhances while the coder is able to give due attention to their coding.

5) Insecure Session ID's
This mistake is quite common among PHP application development. Leaving out insecure session ids risks the security of the resultant web pages. When it comes to any web propertyHealth Fitness Articles, security is a major concern. Months of hard work and time spent on a project goes for a toss with lack of proper security measures.

These were just the basic and common 5 common mistakes in PHP Application Development Services.

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Source:from ArticlesFactory

custom robot .txt is the most important thing in blogger. header tags for blogger are the latest and vital feature of Google’s BlogSpot. It is the best and easiest way to control the robot’s behaviour for your blog. By launching this feature, google makes blogger more SEO friendly and suitable for blogging Let's see How to do it

Step 1: 
First of all, login to your Blogger account and go to the dashboard. If you have more than one blog in your blogger account, select the one you need to enable custom robots header tags.

Step 2: 
From the left menu, Click on the “Settings > Search Preferences”. Now take a look on the right side. You will see the “Custom robots header tags” option right after the Custom robots.txt. Here you have to click on the “edit” link as shown below.

Step 3: 
At this point, you have to enable this feature by clicking on the first radio button (Yes). Take a look on the image below to become clearer.

Optimum Settings for Blogger Custom Robots Header Tags

Step 4: 
This is the most important part of the entire process. Actually, here we will give the instruction to robots to control their behavior for our blog by using some check boxes. Take a look on the image below.

Step 5:
I will recommend you to follow the above image to have optimum settings for Blogger custom robots header tags. It includes three sections (Homepage, Archive and Search pages and Default for Posts and Pages). Have you checked all the boxes as shown above? If yes, click on the “Save changes” button and you are done.

Let's See Meaning of that three sections

The Homepage Settings Explanation:
The homepage is the most important page of your blog. For this reason, we should not block anything on the homepage from search engine crawlers. However, some perception may be found to use “noimageindex” for the home page. In my opinion, it is an unnecessary step because Google understands the structure of a blog and the behavior of homepage.

The Archive and Search page Settings Explanation: 
Actually, archive and search pages are auto generated pages which represent some information of your blog posts. In fact, these pages are very important to let your readers navigate your blog more efficiently.

if you allow search engines to index these pages, same contents will be shown under different URLs. Which may cause the duplicate content issue for our blog. Also, the overall index status will be messy. For this reason, we should not index these pages of our blog.

The Default for Posts and Pages Settings Explanation:
We can control the robot’s activity for the most important part of our blog from this section. Yes, I am talking about the post and pages. As a matter of fact, the reason behind blogging or creating great contents is letting people discover our hard work through search engines. Therefore, we should not prevent search engines from indexing our posts and pages to represent them in front of the world.

 List of Custom Robots Header Tags of Blogger

there are 10 custom robots header tags in blogger. Let’s see the functionality and how they work.

1. all: 
This robot header tag feature will allow search engine crawler visit and discover every single element of your blog. Therefore, if you check and enable this feature, you will give the complete freedom to the crawler to crawl and index everything.

2. noindex:
This feature is given for private blogs. If someone thinks not to share his blog publicly, this option is for them. Usually, allowing this option will prevent search engine crawler from crawling and indexing the blog. So nobody will be able to discover that b via search engines.

3. nofollow:
You may have heard the term nofollow and dofollow before. This is a critical, complex, and confusing SEO factor because improper use of these tags may increase or decrease search engine ranks of your blog. Blogger provides this feature to let you make all of the outbound links of your blog nofollow if you wish.

4. none:
If you wish to apply both noindex and nofollow tags together, you can enable this feature. It will prevent search engine crawlers from indexing and be considering outbound links dofollow.

5. noarchive:
This feature is given to control the search engine cache permission. Usually, search engines collect a cache version of your web page and show it on the search engine result page (SERP). Actually, the cache is a frequently updated copy of your web pages is used to serve your website on the downtime by search engines.

6. nosnippet:
 Almost every search result includes a small snippet on the SERPs. It helps people to get an idea about the content of the web page. However, enabling this feature will prevent search engines to show that text snippet.

7. noodp:
ODP stands for “Open Directory Project” like Dmoz. Actually, you can prevent adding your website information there by enabling this feature.

8. notranslate:
This option will allow you to disable translation of your blog in different languages. Although machine translation is not hundred percent readable, we should let our readers translate the web page if they want.

9. noimageindex:
 Allowing this option will prevent search engines to index images of your blog. In my opinion, it is wise to use this feature with caution. Because images are a major part of blogging and can increase the organic traffic of your blog.

10. unavailable_after:
 If you wish to deindex your blog after a specific amount of time, you may check this option.

that's all let's check ,how it does work !!

 Step 1: 
 Select "Posts Section" And Click "New post".

Step 2: 
Now take a look on the right side “Post settings” > “Custom Robots Tags” and click on it.

you have successfully enabled the custom robots header tags for blogger. !!!!!!

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The web site is Very important Part In Business because it's representing your Business.
However, if you want to attract and retain customers, you can’t have a “set it and forget it” mentality once the initial work is finished – marketing your business is not only about creating a web presence.

It’s crucial that you make a website maintenance plan a priority for your small business. Here are 4 reasons why:

1. You want to offer a good user experience. 

Broken links, 404 pages, half-baked landing pages, slow loading times…your visitors will go elsewhere if they don’t find what they’re looking for fast. The last thing you want for your business is for customers to experience frustration.

Also, you’re not going to build trust among buyers if you don’t offer a good user experience – who’s going to want to enter their credit card or contact information when your online presence looks neglected?

Your website is the face of your business, so invest the time and energy into keeping it current. Monitor for glitches and focus on adding fresh content like blogs, articles, events and testimonials as often as possible to provide a good user experience and reap the SEO benefits. 

2. It’s the key to security and safety.

You’re not only responsible for protecting your own data, but you’re also responsible for your visitors’ information. Security requirements are always changing, and nobody is safe - even big brands are targets for cyber attacks and data breaches.

In late 2016, Uber announced the personal information of 57 million Uber users and 600,000 drivers had been exposed by cyber thieves. To make matters worse, the company tried to hide the breach rather than report it.

In November 2018, Marriott International came forward with info that cyber criminals had stolen the data of approximately 500 million customers. 
Since hackers get smarter all the time, you need a program you can trust to keep your online assets safe. eVision Media has you covered with an affordable monthly plan.

Being proactive and protecting your website now is so much easier than dealing with the devastation, disruption and huge costs of a hacked site, lost data and destroyed Google rankings.

The Security & Maintenance Plan includes:

• Continuous state-of-the-art monitoring and “next-generation application firewall” protection against spam, malware and other malicious attempts
• Ongoing automatic backups of your site in case it ever needs to be restored
• Site checks for broken images and links so it runs smooth and fast
• Regular updates of your WordPress site and plugins for optimal performance and security

3. A secure backup is a lifesaver. 

A backup is a saved copy of your site, whether it’s from a day ago or a month ago. Backups are stored in files or in the cloud and can be restored if needed.

If you don’t have a backup and your website is hacked and wiped, you’d need to start over from scratch. You wouldn’t want all your hard work to disappear, would you?

A big part of your website maintenance plan is using reliable tools to keep your information safe. 

4. Software updates won’t wait. 

Software is ever-changing, whether it’s plugins and themes that need updating or security programs.

Your site isn’t going to run smoothly and will also be vulnerable to hackers if you don’t stay on top of software updates. The more often you update, the less likely you are to have problems.

Keeping your software updated also ensures your site loads quickly when visitors arrive; speed has an impact on SEO.

Don’t miss vital leads or sales by neglecting content, security Health Fitness Articles, backup and regular software updates.

Remember: the cost of repairing online issues will be greater than the affordable maintenance costs you pay now!

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Source:from ArticlesFactory

To build any webpage on the internet there are three most important languages ex- HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Using JavaScript you have lots of option in blogger. In this lesson  Let See How to add JavaScript code to your Blog.

let's think about I want to Publish this widget in my blog


     Login to blog in blogger and visit the dashboard of your blog.


   Now, click  Layout button in the dashboard 


   After Clicking Layout button You Move to Layout Option Page  


   Select Were You Want your widget in your Blog For Example In My Case I want it for  SideBar           Top  So I Click Add Gadget link in Sidebar Top Menu    


  Add a Gadget  List will  pop up. then select "HTML/JavaScript " from the List


  After Clicking Add (+) button  "HTML/JavaScript " Window will  popup .then Past Your Code and     Click Save Button


  after Added the Code Sidebar Top menu will Change 




  Finally, You have been successfully added JavaScript code to your Blog .

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A domain is a very important part of blogging. why it's important to blogging? let's see an example to understand it better.think  your friend wants to visit your house .but friend doesn't know where your house is situated. Then you can send your address to the friend then he /she can easily find your domain work like address it helps to find your website for others.

there are several parts in domain,

1) top-level domain
2) Subdomain
3) Country Code Top Level Domains
4) Generic Top-Level Domain
5) Second-Level Domains
6)  Subdomains

top-level domain(TLD)

A top-level domain is exactly what it sounds like: a type of domain name which is at the top level of the internet’s domain name system. There are over a thousand TLDs available but the most common include .com, .org, .net and .edu.

The official list of TLDs is maintained by an organization called the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) and can be viewed here. IANA notes that the list of TLDs also includes ccTLDs and gTLDs, which we’ll talk about next.

Country Code Top Level Domains(ccTLD)

ccTLDs use just two letters and are based upon international country codes, such as .us for the United States and .jp for Japan. They’re often used by companies which are building dedicated sites for specific regions and can be a good way of signaling to users that they’ve arrived at the right place.

Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD)

A gTLD is essentially a TLD that doesn’t rely on country code. Many gTLDs are intended for a specific use-case, such as .edu which is aimed at educational institutions. That said, you don’t have to meet any specific criteria to register a gTLD, which is isn’t only used for commercial purposes.

Other examples of gTLDs include .mil (military), .gov (government), .org (for non-profits and organizations) and .net, which was originally designed for internet service providers (ISPs) but which is now used much more widely.

Second-Level Domains

You’ve probably seen these domain names before. We’re talking about a domain that sits directly below a top-level domain name. , particularly when it comes to country codes.

For example, British companies occasionally use instead of .com, and it’s a perfect example of a second-level domain. Another second-level domain is, which is often used by governmental institutions, and, which is used by academic institutions and universities.


Subdomains are useful because they don’t require webmasters to purchase an additional domain name to create divisions within their site. Instead, they’re able to create a subdomain which effectively points to a specific directory on the server. This can be super useful for campaign sites and other types of web content that should be kept separate from the main site.

For example, google  blogger use "" Sub Domains For there blogger clients

if you  have a domain with huge traffic blog .my friend you are multi bilinear  .because you earn through your blog or you can sell  your blog with the highest value 

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Blogging is the best media to express and share your ideas and feelings with other people .selecting a platform to start a blog is very difficult .there are two famous platforms in the web .blogger and word press is a very famous platform among the people who blogging .honestly I recommend if you are a beginner to blogging industry choose blogger platform next you may ask why? And why I can't use word press. let's see what is the best !

1) Google blogger 

Everyone knows blogger platform belongs to the google and it's is free. and if you are a web designer it looks like building a house using building box. if you are a beginner to blogging industry
no need to worry to maintain a blog in the blogger be a web designer is not an important thing.  writing skills are the most important thing in blogging so don't worry. most blogger templates are free .but you need to add copyright credit to the template designers. Pixel is the most famous free template in blogger platform .everyone can download and use it for free.there is no ads showing our page. there is no too much post writing option in blogger that is the main disadvantage point. many people visit your blog then you can apply Adsense and get income from your beautiful blog.there are a lot of articles about technical and other tips and tricks in the world wide web.

2) Wordpress

WordPress is popular among blogging people.there are two types after paying the bill you can host your blog and get domain thorough the WordPress .org you need to find to host your blog and purchase a domain separately.WordPress .org is free.that is the most important you can start blogging free but showing their ads on your blog without your Permission.according to my experience if you are a beginner to WordPress then you definitely learn their technical parts like plugins.writing a post very easy in WordPress.WordPress plugins are the main game in WordPress!!.in WordPress you can handle Seo Better than google blogger because of the plugins games. if you want to migrate from Blogger to WordPress just flow a few steps in WordPress that is the beauty of WordPress.if you have huge traffic also WordPress users can apply in Adsense .

You want everything for free and creatively you can use Blogger Platform.but you want to make professionally choose Wordpress.

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Blogging is very interesting part in among the young people. Making a blog is very easy but It's hard to maintain making  post to blog is little bit difficult  but find without copyright images is too difficult. use below links for download free images.below websites are very easy to download images and videos .Most of the time we also use below 3 websites to download images and videos

1) Pixabay

2) Pexels



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Get Into Pc

Famous website among the Computer Use People .this web site provides the free offline installers for the software, premium apps, freeware, shareware & trial ware software with proper credit to publishers. all the links are safe, secure and up-to-date. they provide only latest and full version software. download links are 100% working and recently updated in 2018.

there are lot of Software you can find thorough this web site.Get Into PC has Lot Of Categorization so It Helps  to Find what Page viewer Need .it's a very Helpful . But crack Software is Some Kind Threat For Your Computer .Because there are back Doors Behind the Software .some time With out User Permission  your Data has Stolen By another man Or Another Group.

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