CODE.ORG Your Way To Success
In 2013, was launched by twin brothers Hadi and Ali Partovi with a video promoting computer science. This video became #1 on YouTube for a day, and 15,000 schools reached out to us for help. Since then, we've expanded from a bootstrapped staff of volunteers to build a full organization supporting a worldwide movement. We believe that a quality computer science education should be available to every child, not just a lucky few. is a nonprofit dedicated to expanding access to computer science in schools and increasing participation by women and underrepresented minorities. there vision is that every student in every school has the opportunity to learn computer science, just like biology, chemistry or algebra. provides the leading curriculum for K-12 computer science in the largest school districts in the United States and also organizes the annual Hour of Code campaign which has engaged 15% of all students in the world. is supported by generous donors including Amazon, Facebook, Google, the Infosys Foundation, Microsoft, and many more.
The majority of our students are girls or underrepresented minorities increases diversity in computer science by reaching students of all backgrounds where they are — at their skill-level, in their schools, and in ways that inspire them to keep learning.
For the third year in a row, underrepresented minorities make up 48% of students in our courses. Increasing diversity in computer science is foundational to our work, and we encourage you to read more about our efforts.
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